Saturday 9 March 2013

International Women's Day

After 2 days of being stuck in bed, watching crap telly at either max or min volume (because I couldn't control it no matter what I did) and running for the bathroom, I was finally recovered enough to take some good old Imodium and the collection of pills the Vietnamese doctor gave me and face the world again.

First stop - International Women's Day! which is a really important holiday in Vietnam, everyone gets a half day off work to celebrate and all the men cook the meals, clean the homes and buy their women flowers. We arrived at the retired mothers house at the SOS village where women of all ages were dressed in their smart clothes sat on tiny plastic chairs in little circles under the pine trees. There was a collection of about 10 men who were waiting on the women hand and foot - much to everyones amusement! The women fell about laughing anytime one of the men served them tea or bought them more food.

We were greeted by the director of the orphanage, a short fat man with a firm handshake, and taken to sit with the secretary and some of the mothers. I (hopefully politely) refused the jellied squid, not sure my stomach could handle it at only 830am and instead had a lovely bowl of pho (why I am still not bored of this I don't know!).

It was a very powerful morning, even with all the laughter at the men, to spend Women's day with such amazing selfless women - most of whom had given over 20yrs of service to the orphanage. Just incredible. I certainly didn't feel I deserved the flowers I was also presented with!

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